Community Coaching and Training
UK Online Centres
Join our UK Online centre and Learn your way
We are a UK Online Centre and we deliver Basic online and Online plus courses for anyone in the community. Courses ranges from using computers to job-search skills, completing public and private sector forms, health courses, literacy and numeracy skill and many more...
Here are three different learning themes - topics that we use alongside digital learning to help learners to get the most out of their developing skills.
Health: Getting online can improve learners' access to health information and help them manage their own wellbeing.
Jobs and skills: Finding, applying and progressing in jobs requires online skills.
Maths: Maths is a skill that everyone could use a little help whatever stage they're at, and computers can help along the way.
Safety: Know how to keep yourself safe online. Find out more about online safety
Many more......
Contact us or visit our centre to learn more